Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Importance of Google Analytics on E-Commerce

Google Analytics is a valuable ally of e-commerce in the battle for consumer money. It gives you rich information about your site, your visitors and where they came from. All of this information can be used to find new customers and increase conversions. For many e-commerce owners who are just starting out, Google Analytics may seem like a big mess of technical reports with information difficult to understand and navigate.

How to set up Google Analytics in your store? What are the basic reports you should always be checking?

These are important things to know as well as a few other little things that will help you improve your knowledge and drive sales.

Why do you need Google Analytics?

If you have a physical store, you can see your customer. You can notice their habits and habits and talk to them. Without e-commerce analytics (as we'll now call Google Analytics in your e-commerce), a virtual store leaves you blind about so much information about your customers and visitors that you would normally be able to see. Using Google Analytics can help you improve the understanding and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, better understand your visitors, and optimize your store for conversions and sales.

Configuring the tracking of Google Analytics e-commerce:

Google Analytics is pretty easy to set up, but the exact steps will depend on your e-commerce platform. Whether you use Santive Commerce or OpenCart is very simple. Just create an account in Google Analytics, copy the tracking and paste in the corresponding field in the configuration area of ​​your store.

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