Wednesday, May 3, 2017

All About Making it Visual Appealing

As a graphic designer, I like to see things on my day-by-day that are nicely done and designed. It doesn’t matter what the content is, I give extra value to what was well designed and thought through. Something that has gotten very popular in the past years is infographics, which most of the times have boring information or complicated stats, but when are well done, they are very enjoyable to understand.  Data is something people tend to run away from, but its visualization is based on several of the same principles of web design, which should be useful and enjoyable.
A nice website naturally appeals to us, but it is when we extract some value from it that we decided to stay there (not just go through it). The same rules apply to data visualization: it's about presenting all of our data in a way that is easy to understand and intuitive to navigate - interaction is the key.
We gather more and more information every day, and this has led to the incredible popularity of infographics - an easy way to "digest" numbers that, without a graphical representation, just seem blank. Since our brains are capable of processing images at a faster rate than they process numbers, all content on websites and infographics is becoming more and more visually "data-driven", and tables, pie charts and bar charts are now common elements for every graphic designer.
And the deal is this:
If you want to create awesome data visualizations, but you are not a graphic designer like me, see some recommendations on my next post!

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