Have you heard about the Optimized Athlete project?
Optimized Athlete is the name of a famous project created in 2011 in California by athletes Sky Christopherson, Tamara Christopherson and Adam Laurent. The goal was to thoroughly study physicochemical issues involved in high-performance sports activities, such as kinetic energy, biomechanics and even genomic medicine - all aimed at improving human performance. The first results were still collected in the embryonic phase of the program: winning the silver medal of the North American women's cycling team at the London Olympics in 2012. Even the history of the first team aided by the daring work became a movie!
Big Data Analytics is a journey without a turn in a new way for man to see his limits and himself. Improvement in educational performance, traffic management, disease prevention, the formulation of business strategies and, of course, in the sports field. It is through the interpretation of the "mountain" of data generated daily by human interaction that we will learn to know ourselves better and thus make our world more suitable to our needs.
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